
The Centre Grove United Methodist Church has a long history in the Clearfield area, nearly 200 years. In 1815, a Methodist Society was organized at Centre, the first in Clearfield county. The Pleasant Grove Church got its start in 1903, when services were held in an old schoolhouse while construction began on a new church building.

Decades later, the Centre and Pleasant Grove churches joined together and formed a new congregation in 1959 to become the Centre Grove Church.

Fifty years later, the people of Centre Grove United Methodist Church continue to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ in the Clearfield area. Today, we see ourselves as people who are on a journey following Jesus. We believe God loves all people and we want everyone in the area to know and experience God’s love, a love that changes lives!

We haven’t “arrived” yet, but we simply seek to know and follow God better each day. We also believe that following God is an adventure, and so we invite you to come and journey with us if you’re not currently plugged in to a local church.