Youth Yard Sale & UM Women Baked Goods Sale – Saturday, September 21st – 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

The Youth are holding a yard sale to help support their Compassion Child that they sponsor.  Your donations of good used children’s clothing, household items (NO LARGE FURNITURE, PLEASE), and other items can be dropped off at the youth room (near the pool table).  The UM Women are seeking donations of baked goods to help support the UM Home for Children in Mechanicsburg, PA.  A sign-up sheet is located at the welcome center for you to sign up for baked goods.  If you have any questions, please call the church office at 765-6031 or see Joline Bailey, Joan Irwin or Lisa Homan.


Come to the sale on Saturday, September 21st and find some goodies to buy to help support these great mission projects that Centre Grove is involved in!